If you’re looking to get your teeth whitened, there are a few things you should know. First, it’s important to understand the process and what it entails. Second, you need to be aware of the risks involved. And third, you need to know what you can eat after teeth whitening.

The teeth whitening process involves bleaching your teeth to remove any discoloration. This can be done at home with over-the-counter products, or at a dentist’s office. The bleaching agent used is usually hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide.

There are a few risks associated with teeth whitening. The most common is tooth sensitivity. This can occur if the bleaching agent comes into contact with your gums or if you have existing tooth sensitivity. It’s important to talk to your dentist about these risks before you undergo any teeth whitening treatment.

As for what you can eat after teeth whitening, it’s important to avoid foods that can stain your teeth. This includes coffee, tea, red wine, and dark-colored fruits and vegetables. You should also avoid smoking. And, it’s important to brush and floss your teeth regularly to remove any residual bleaching agent.

Here are ten things you can eat after teeth whitening:

1. White Cheese 

White cheese is a great snack to enjoy after teeth whitening, as it won’t stain your teeth. It’s also a good source of calcium, which helps keep your teeth strong. To enjoy it, try topping a piece of white toast with slices of cheese or adding it to a salad.

1. White Rice 

White rice is a great choice for a post-teeth whitening meal, as it won’t stain your teeth. It’s also a great source of carbohydrates, which helps provide energy and keep your body functioning properly. You can enjoy white rice as a side dish, as part of a stir fry, or as an ingredient in a soup.

3. White Pasta 

White pasta is another great food to eat after teeth whitening. It doesn’t contain any colors that can stain your teeth, and it’s a good source of carbohydrates. Enjoy it as a side dish, in a casserole, or as part of a pasta salad.

4. White Bread 

White bread is a great option for a post-teeth whitening snack. It’s free from colors that can stain your teeth, and it’s a good source of carbohydrates. Enjoy it as toast, with a sandwich, or as part of a French toast breakfast.

5. Chicken 

Chicken is an excellent post-teeth whitening meal choice, as it won’t stain your teeth. It’s also a great source of protein, which helps keep your body functioning properly. Enjoy it grilled, baked, or as part of a stir fry.

6. Fish 

Fish is a great choice after teeth whitening because it is low in acidity and won’t stain your teeth. Choose leaner fish like salmon, cod, or trout for the healthiest option. You can also add a side of steamed vegetables for a balanced meal.

7. Eggs

Eggs are a great choice after teeth whitening because they are packed with protein and calcium. Try scrambled eggs with some fresh vegetables for a healthy breakfast. If you prefer, you can also make an omelette or egg salad.

8. Milk 

Milk is a great choice after teeth whitening because it is high in calcium and protein. Choose low-fat or skim milk for the healthiest option. You can also enjoy a glass of milk with a piece of fruit or a slice of whole grain toast.

9. Apples 

Apples are a great choice after teeth whitening because they are low in acidity and can help reduce tooth sensitivity. Try to avoid crunching on the skin of the apple, which can cause further sensitivity. You can also add some peanut butter or cheese for a balanced snack.

10. Bananas 

Bananas are a great choice after teeth whitening because they are high in potassium and a great source of energy. Enjoy a banana as is, or mash it and add it to your morning cereal. You can also use bananas to make a smoothie or add to a fruit salad.


Eating after teeth whitening is a great way to ensure that your teeth stay white and healthy. Eating a variety of foods that are not acidic, such as vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and white meats, can help you maintain the results of your teeth whitening. Additionally, avoiding foods and drinks that are high in sugar and acid is important for keeping your teeth looking their best. Finally, drinking plenty of water and brushing and flossing regularly is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene and keeping your newly whitened teeth looking their best.

Oro Valley Dental Arts is a trusted cosmetic dental clinic in Oro Valley that offers various services, including veneers. Schedule an appointment today to find out if veneers are a good option for you!