
Zoom – Revolutionary Teeth Whitener

Today many people are interested in keeping their teeth as white as possible. It sounds great in theory but can be tricky to accomplish. There are many ways teeth are prone to staining over time. For example, if you smoke occasionally or like to drink coffee, wine or sodas, your teeth will dull over time.

Teeth whitening is a popular way to bring your teeth back to the unstained level of brightness. You can also choose to take care of your teeth in a way that will leave them even brighter and whiter than they were naturally.

We used a great in office procedure known as ZOOM! This procedure is safe and effective, allowing you to walk out the door with teeth that are noticeably whiter (up to 10 shades lighter) than when you walked into the office. The great news is that this is a painless process that is done in less than one hour. Contact our team of experts to set up your teeth whitening consultation today.